Although you are permitted to drop out of the Olympics, you truly should not unless it is totally unavoidable. The Olympics is the culmination of the recreational program every year and is part of our program. This is what the athletes having been working so hard for.
Don't regret removing your athlete from this big event, their peers will be talking about it and working toward it in each class!

Gymnastics USA Newsletter
JULY 2024 | ISSUE 07 | VOL 07
July 1st - Tuition Due
July 4th - Closed for Independence Day
July 29th - Tuition Due
August 16th - Open Gym
August 26th - Membership Fees Due
August 30th - Parent’s Night Out Bash
We’re half way through the Summer and if you haven’t had a chance to join us at Summer Camp this year be sure to reserve your spot! Each week we have a special theme and on Friday’s PDQ Tenders and Pelican’s Snow Cones stop by for a Fun Friday Lunch!
Gymnastics USA will be closed on July 4th in observance of Independence Day. We’re grateful for our Founding Fathers and the sacrifices made to create our great nation! If you have a regularly scheduled class on this day, a make up token has been added to your account.
After School Registration is open! We will be picking up from the schools listed below. Be sure to pre-register as spots are limited and fill up quickly! Be sure to visit our website at to read more about our After School Program.
Annual Membership Fees:
Recall that to be enrolled in a Gymnastics USA Program you must be an active member in good standing. The Annual Membership Fee is applied prior to your being eligible for class enrollment and must be renewed ever year. There are three different membership tiers with different benefits for each. You can review all membership options at