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  • Daily Live Video Lessons 

  • Customizable Home Gymnastics Skill Charts and Lesson Plans for beginner, intermediate, and advanced (good for both rec and competitive). Skills all designed for safe at home gymnastics!

  • Online Skill Tracking Platform with *below pricing is the same for organizations that already have a MSC account

  • Marketing material to promote to your clients

  • Onboarding support for your clients and staff

  • Unique Landing Page for Club with Club unique links and branding.

gymnastics home learning virtual classes an online feedback
Gymnastics in Orlando Florida

during times of social distancing, there is a way to keep your families happy and ensure they benefit from real training and coaching feedback!

Gymnastics coach skill tracking gymnasts progress online while kids stay home  person holding a phone while using to teach their kids how to do gymnastics from home   logging onto step by step  how to skill track your students on  parent holding iPhone while skill tracking their students while they learn gymnastics from home online

Just like any content creator on social media, the risk of injury is assumed on the viewer. This because they are not in your facility, and you cannot control the actions of the viewer.

Each video we begin with the following disclaimer, 
"Please do not attempt any of these exercises without adult supervision. Also, be aware of your surroundings! Make sure the area you are doing gymnastics, is on the grass or a panel mat. Remove any objects or people from the area to avoid hurting yourself or someone else.

Within the YouTube description the following description is placed... 

Gymnastics USA’s Home Learning Program trains relatively safe activities. Yet, any time an activity involves momentum and acrobatics, there is a risk of minor to severe injury. In order to make our program as safe as possible all of our staff members are required to go through our proprietary training courses. In consideration of participating in GYMNASTICS USA’S HOME LEARNING PROGRAM, I represent that I understand the nature of this Activity and I hereby for myself, my children, my heirs and executors vow that if any of the aforementioned should partake in physical activity utilizing this program, the same shall be qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the Activity. I fully understand that this, similar to all other sports and activities, involves risks of bodily injury, including permanent injury, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the “Releasees” named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, cost, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the Activity. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue GYMNASTICS USA, its respective affiliates, administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the “RELEASEES” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages, on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the “Releasees” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations and future agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost, which may incur as the result of such claim. By viewing the online videos it is assumed that you agree to the above.

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